Tuesday 8 May 2012

Ep 5: The Explaining

Right so that was Tuesday the 24th April 2012, forever known as "That Tuesday"

Wednesday 25th April 2012
Its ANZAC Day, Jac and I worked the Muzz Buzz together from 8am to 2pm, we are massively short staffed so we have had to step up and do some time in the store.  Its turned out to be a god send, just being with each other working together without having to constantly think about "it".

We knocked off and headed home, we ended up next door with Chris and Trevor, this is the beginning of the Phase I'm now calling "The Explaining".

Aside from my family there are a number of people in my life who just deserve the full explanation, on top of that pile are Robbie and Theresa.  I spoke to Robbie on "That Tuesday", Robbie is my best mate, he is a wonderful human who I am so proud to call my mate.  He is someone, probably the only one that can tell me I'm wrong, he has been my comfort so many times when things are tough and equally I have been his through his journey, hes my best mate and he was the 1st person I told.

We have traveled some roads together and have been there for each other, he'll be there with me when this gets serious.  I'm a lucky Man, I have Jacqui, a strong wonderful woman, who despite good reasons not to, loves me unconditionally and I have Robbie who is a strong wonderful man who also loves me unconditionally.

Bryn and Wendy are our Indoor Volley Ball team mates and also great friends, we have an easy, complication free friendship and have enjoyed many meals laughs and good times together.  Jacqui and I truly enjoy their company and they were the next people we saw after having told the kids, so they got to hear about this on "That Tuesday" also.

Chris and Trevor are our neighbours and friends, we spend a lot of free time together, after working at the Muzz Buzz Jac and I went next door to have a drink with them, 1st thing Trevor says to me is "why do you look like the worlds going to end" so we told them too.

Jac and I did not feel like cooking so we decided to go to The Byford for dinner, and naturally dinner at The Byford required the participation of The Jones Family, and it was so and it was good, sadly Bryn proved to be correct on 2 separate occasions, I was off my game.

ANZAC Day was brought to you By the Letter C and a number of days more of waiting

1 comment:

  1. Feeling for you John. It's scary shit but it's times like these that make us appreciate all the special people around us. Many of us travel through life not counting our blessings and acknowledging the wonderful people we have in it. I wish you all the best and just know that I too am here.
